Take a look around my blog, where I bring you weekly nonfiction book reviews filled with knowledges and favorite quotes. Alongside my literary explorations, I share personal stories and projects featuring health insights and intriguing data analysis.
Review and Summary: How Will You Measure Your Life?
Clayton Christensen shares ways to measure and ensure on how to live a balance and successful professional and personal life that is valued by happiness…
Review: Weapons of Math Destruction, How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
Understanding big data’s flaws through Cathy O’Neil’s insightful analysis by realizing the impact of unfair algorithms on people’s lives.
Review and Summary: Option B
Option B is about how to build resilience not only after we lost our loved ones, but also for all kinds of setbacks that will…
Review and Summary: Indistractable
A book guide to maximize technology benefits and maintain healthy relationships without succumbing to attention-grabbing tactics.
Review and Summary: Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?
This book offers sets of life skills that mostly informed in therapy to help the reader get through hard times, learn, and grow.
Review and Summary: Building a Second Brain
Building a Second Brain gives me a lot of insights about how to change the way we think and acquire mind-expanding ideas to increase productivity,…