Surrounded by Setbacks Book Cover

Highlight and Review: Surrounded by Setbacks

There will always be a point of our life where we have tried our best but life is not on our side. We fed up by motivational quotes or advice to keep trying from our family and colleague. We have been trying our best but it is what it is. Of course we don’t want to read another piece of book asking you to work hard because we have worked our ass off but life just inevitably hits us hard.

Think Again

Review: Think Again

I remember that I was stunned by what Bill Gates said on Inside Bill’s Brain where he said the most terrifying thing for him is if his brain no longer works. This book successfully makes me aware why thinking matters and how come someone as inspired as Bill Gates feels scared if he cannot think anymore.

Review: The Art of Thinking Clearly

Review: The Art of Thinking Clearly

Penulis: Rolf Dobelli Tanggal Rilis: 14 Mei 2013 Jumlah halaman: 384 halaman Di buku ini, Rolf Dobelli menyajikan 99 contoh pemikiran bias kognitif atau kesalahan dalam berpikir yang seringkali mempengaruhi kita dalam mengambil keputusan. Dalam setiap bab, Rolf memberikan contoh akurat yang bisa diamati atau bahkan dialami sendiri. Tak hanya itu, Rolf juga memberikan simpulan…

Review Bad Science: Mitos Detoksifikasi dan Senam Otak

Review Bad Science: Mitos Detoksifikasi dan Senam Otak

Penulis: Ben Goldacre. Tanggal rilis: September 2008. Jumlah halaman: 338 halaman. Ben Goldacre adalah seorang psikiatris dan kolumnis di The Guardian. Di buku ini, Ben mengkritisi media, perusahaan, atau beberapa orang yang melakukan overklaim terhadap sejumlah produk kesehatan dan gaya hidup sehat dengan menggunakan kalimat dan cerita yang terdengar saintifik. Padahal, informasi tersebut dipaparkan oleh…